Cross Brand Design Services(R) 5
x A manager is conducting an internal job interview and it is deemed necessary for the successful completion of the interview. x A manager is conducting an external job interview and it may be appropriate to meet the applicant for a meal. x A manager is welcoming a new hire to the company or a transferee to the department. Meal reimbursements will be allowed for the new hire/transferee and manager, as well as other departmental associates whose inclusion is deemed appropriate by the manager. x Additional questions related to meals should be directed to the associate’s manager. Meals and Entertainment Criteria All itemized entertainment and/or meal receipts that include more than one associate must include the following information:
1. Business purpose of meeting 2. Names and titles as well as organizations represented 3. Specific location of the meal
When entertaining merchants and suppliers, expenses are reimbursable if:
x They are directly related to the active conduct of the Company’s business or are directly preceded or followed by a substantial and bona fide business discussion. x The entertainment event encourages the continuation of an existing business relationship or is in reciprocation for a vendor-sponsored event.
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