Cross Brand Design Services(R) 5
MEALS AND ENTERTAINMENT Meal expenses, while traveling on company business, are reimbursable. Associates will be reimbursed for reasonably priced meals. Alcohol consumption should be kept to a minimum. Anything deemed excessive will be escalated to the associate’s respective Executive Committee member. x The “BREAKFAST/LUNCH/DINNER” categories should be used for meals consumed alone while traveling on company business. x The “BUSINESS MEALS” category should be used when dining with other WSI associates. This includes casual employees and meals delivered to a corporate office location, even if a non-associate participates. Meals delivered to the corporate offices are on an exception basis only. x The “ENTERTAINMENT” category is to be used for the total bill for a meal when dining with a non-associate. Non-associates include vendors, consultants, contractors, freelancers, merchants, interviews, etc. Meals Documentation Itemized receipts are required for all meals. No personal expenses should be submitted on business receipts. Any receipts submitted via an expense report through Concur to Accounts Payable must only include business expenses. Please be sure to have your personal expenses billed separately from WSI related matters. 15-20% gratuity is strongly recommended. The maximum reimbursable amount allowed by WSI is 20%. When two or more associates are eating together and do not obtain individual bills, the highest-ranking associate in attendance must pay the bill and report it on his/her expense report. Only one associate may submit an expense report for any group meals. The associate can then allocate parts of the expense to different departments via Concur. Meals and/or cocktails involving only company associates in their home city are not reimbursable, with the following exceptions: x The associate is hosting an out of town associate. x Any department or regional group meeting approved by a SVP or above, in advance. In the case of RVP’s and District Managers, the meetings must be approved by the Vice President of Stores. In Concur, please follow the below guidelines for expensing individual and business meals.
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