Cross Brand Design Services(R) 5
CIBT can also be used by calling (800) 929-2428 and providing them with company code: 70033. Healthcare Make sure to carry enough of your prescription medication – do not check it in with your luggage. Keep it on your person at all times.
Contact International SOS Centers if you become ill.
International travelers may contact their primary care physician for necessary vaccinations, or they can contact the Overseas Medical Center if necessary.
Overseas Medical Center 49 Drumm Street San Francisco, CA 94111 (415) 982-8380 M-F 10 am – 12 pm and 1 – 4:30 pm
Safety Best Practices To prevent theft of your carry-on and/or laptop at the airport security checkpoints, delay putting your belongings on the conveyor belt until you are sure you’ll be the next person through the metal detector. Wait to see your belongings enter the x-ray machine, and then enter the metal detector. As you move through the detector, keep your eyes on the conveyor belt and watch for your belongings to come through (as well as keeping a sharp eye on what those in front of you are picking up). Retrieve your items as soon as possible. For fire safety, consider staying only on floors two through four, as elevators are prohibited from use during fire emergencies. People on lower floors have the opportunity to exit more quickly. Keep a low profile – avoid wearing clothing and jewelry that attracts attention. Foreign travelers are often singled out by their appearance. Always keep hotel room doors securely locked and never open the door for maintenance calls or anyone else without first verifying it with the front desk. When traveling outside the US, in order to comply with certain domestic and international requirements, you may be required to remove both the encryption software and all confidential and restricted information from your system prior to your departure. To determine whether any country on your itinerary falls into this category, you may contact the Company IT Security Office or Loss Prevention.
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