Cross Brand Design Services(R) 5
Practice your design skills: Focusing on your cross-brand design partnerships, create a complete design presentation for your assinged clients. As a reminder, we should focus on the FXsWRPer¶s sW\Oe DnG KRPe DOORwing WKeir SersRnDO SreIerenFes gXiGe \RXr ¿nDO presentation. ( not what styles you have in your brand.)
SCENARIO 1: Type of residence: Two story brownstone Primary home: Yes Location: Chicago, IL Inhabitants: Retired couple, late 60’s 6SeFi¿F neeGs 6W\Oe reIresK wiWK IRFXs Rn sWRrDge DnG RrgDni]D-
WiRn :RXOG OiNe WR DGG D KRPe ṘFe Style: Him: Traditional | Her: Modern Budget: $15,500
SCENARIO 2: Type of residence: Suburban single family home Primary home: Yes Location: Marin County, CA
Inhabitants: Young parents, children 5, 3 and a baby on the way 6SeFi¿F neeGs genGer neXWrDO nXrser\ Kis DnG Kers NiGs rRRPs updated master bedroom and a playroom. Style: Modern, fresh, fun, accessible Budget: $27,500
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